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Tharidu, masseur

Ceylon Wellness

Ayurveda Brno

Ayurvedic massage Brno

My name is Tharidu.

I am a masseur from Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The art of massaging marma (acupressure) points has been inherited in our family for centuries.

However, I haven't practiced it always.

As a Civil War war reporter, I have received many bone and muscle injuries that have been successfully healed by a traditional Sri Lankan healer.

I was studying with him for more than five years. After that I was practicing the indigenous Sri Lankan and ayurvedic methods of musculoskeletal therapy. In the depths of the jungle, far from civilization, I translated Sanskrit Ayurvedic texts and deepened the art of massage.

Now I have my own practise in Brno.

If you like to experience the authentic Ayurvedic massage or Ayurvedic consultation, I am looking forward to see you :-).

Ganesh-ayurveda-Brno-Image by Artem Beliaikin

"For both Hindus and Buddhists, Ganesha is a patron of removing obstacles in the way of life. Let him help you with his playful intelligence and sense of humor :-) "

Tharidu Jayasundera

Ceylon Wellness

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